Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursdays with KlDesign
Ça va cette semaine?
Je n'ai pas pu faire beaucoup de scrapbooking cette semaine je dois l'avouer, je manque royalement de temps, mais au moins c'est payant, mes préparatifs pour le mariage avancent à grands pas! Alors prenez votre mal en patience j'aurai des pages géniales bientôt à vous montrer!
Donc j'ai 4 petites cartes de faite cette semaine à partir des superbes papiers Cosmo Cricket de mon kit de Dt. Vraiment, je l'ai dit la semaine passée et je le redis... Ils sont superbes!
Alors voici ma première carte ou je voulais utiliser ma girafe que j'ai reçue fait à partir de bling. J'adore le bling ce n'est pas un secret et comme je voulais la faire resortir le plus possible j'ai décidé de la mettre en relief non pas sur le dessus de la carte comme à l'habitude mais plus en dessous, l'effet est très réussis en vrai car elle ressort très bien.

Et la dernière et non la moindre, ma première "carte couche" La réalisation est très simple et plaira j'en suis sure à toute nouvelle maman qui vient de se faire offrir une dizaine de cartes traditionnelles. Découpez un grand triangle dans votre papier favoris, tracez-y un trapèze au milieu ou vous plierez les pointes des 3 nouveaux triangles ainsi créés. Rejoignez-les au centre. Ici j'ai décidé de les relier à l'aide d'un ruban que j'ai fait passer dans des oeillets. Une jolie étampe et le tour est joué! J'espère que la nouvelle maman en question sera satisfaite!

Je vous reviens donc sans fautes la semaine prochaine, plus vieille d'un an!
Kim @ KLDezign
Fun with Madeline...
I feel like I've been out of the blogging world for so long! That's what happens when you have a fabulous design team who takes over and keeps you-all entertained with their gorgeous projects!
Here's my first layout titled "Dream" I didn't have a scalloped circle shaped page to match this line so I used a sheet from a another company and used it as a template! It didn't come out perfect *lol* which is why I inked the edges up a bit :) I punched holes and threaded a ribbon and bow-tied it at the bottom center of the page!
My second layout is titled "Love" hope you like it!

- K and Company Butterfly Chipboard Box - Madeline
- K and Company Cardstock Diecuts - Madeline
- K and Company Metal Art - Madeline
- K and Company Journal Pocket - Madeline
- K and Company Wax Seals - Madeline
Stickers & Rub-Ons:
- K and Company Rub-Ons w/Gems - Madeline
- K and Company Grand Adhesions Pleated Florals - Madeline
- K and Company Grand Adhesions Medallions - Madeline
Misc. Supplies (other than the Madeline line)
- Fancy Pants Chi Chi Flower Jars
- Fancy Pants Frou Frou Flower Jars
- Ranger Ink Liquid Pearls - Petal Pink
- Ranger Ink Liquid Pearls - Mint Green
- Ranger Ink Liquid Pearls - Baby Blue
- Ranger Ink Liquid Pearls - Pastel Rasberry
- Making Memories Flower Shop Blossoms - Hibiscus Mix
- Making Memories Noteworthy Embellishments Jars - Ava
- Glitz Designs Rub-Ons - Vintage - French Carnaval
- We R Memory Keepers Crop-A-Dile Punch (which you can contact me to order I haven't restocked since they sold out *lol*)
- Pop Dots
- Fiskars Scalloped Edge Punch for the first LOs matting frame
On a side note, I have access to thousands of supplies from top brands with that said not all the supplies are listed on the site so if you have specific items in mind please do not hesitate to contact me for a custom order!
Until next time! Happy Scrapping!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Cricut Tuesdays with The McSmitty Girl
Last week was a pretty chaotic one as my Father-in-Law and my Step Mother-in-Law were preparing to move out from our home. I compare the act of moving to organized chaos. My husband compares organized chaos to my scrapbooking/cardmaking hobby. Needless to say, I agree with my husband. Like you would plan out your move, you plan out your page or card design. When you begin to pack up your things, you start to cut paper, photos and adhere. See what I mean? Before I get too far off track time was not on my side as you may have realized; but that did not stop me in creating 2 cards for occasions coming up in my near future.
The first card was created for my Sister in Law's Baby Shower. She and my Brother are expecting their second child but their first Son! Here are the instructions on how I created this card using the New Arrival cartridge.

- Cut envelope first using the Fit to Page cutting mode (which was calculated at 5-3/4").
- Using 'card-2' image, cut card on the blackout feature at 5-3/4", score and fold card in half
- Cut 2 rectangle mats: 1 @ 5-1/2" x 4-3/4" and 1 @ 5-1/4" x 4-1/2", layer spaced evenly around and adhere onto cardfront (i.e. scallop edge forward).
- Cut images 'stork' followed by 'stork-s' (using the shift key) both at 3".
- Color in layers as desired and other parts on the original image as you see fit.
- Cut images the 'nursery' and 'nursery-s' (using the shift key) both at 1-1/2".
- Color and/or outline the layers as desired for interest.
- Adhere the stork and nursery images onto the card as you would imagine a stork delivering a baby to thier new parents.
- Trim ribbon to wrap around the card in the same direction as you are going to place the die cut images (For this card, I used tacky tape on the front of the card only to ensure it properly stayed in place then wrapped tightly as possible the ribbon around the card).
- Stamp a greeting onto white cardstock, trim and adhere onto cardfront (I chose to use a pop dot in the case).
- Tip: When you would like to layer parts onto an original image make sure that this cartridge cuts images proportionally to each other. Most of the cartridges do so ensure you do not use the 'real dial size' cutting option on your Cricut machine. If you are not sure, refer to your handbook.
- Tip: Use white or cream colored cardstock when you would like to color in the layers that fit onto an original image. Once these layers are cut; you can color them as you wish and with your coloring tool of choice. For example, the 'stork' had layers of a hat and body and I chose to color them in for contrast for my card. Plus when layered together I chose to color in the beak, legs and feet of the stork as well for additional dimension.

- Trim cardstock to 4-1/4"x 5-1/2", score and fold in half
- Cut patterned paper to fit flush against the entire front of the card.
- Using a piece of white cardstock (or a color of your choice), trim to 4-1/4" x 1" and adhere to bottom of the cardfront.
- Place ribbon across the front of the card covering the seams from the white cardstock to patterned paper (For this card I used tacky tape to ensure strong placement).
- On your Cricut cut the letters M-A-N-Y at 1" using the Upright creative feature.
- Also at 1" cut the word 'thanks' using the standard set image (as a result this should be in a script type font found on the cartridge).
- Place and adhere the letters and sentiment onto card.
I wish you a great rest of the week! Enjoy the Spring Weather and until next time... Happy Crafting!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Having fun in Jack's World ~ Jackie's Creations
I cut the words and flowers on my cricut using the George Cartridge. I cut numerous flowers in different sizes and layered them and curled the edges to give a 3d effect! I then used a gorgeous brad from Basic Grey Glazed Brads - Offbeat Collection for the center of each flower!
And the gorgeous papers are from Cosmo Cricket - Jack's World! These papers are so cute and are perfect for all your projects about your little ones! Adorable monkeys and bears to smiling alligators!!
It only took one evening to make this cute little mini album and gift bag.I first covered the album cover and pages with super the cute papers from Cosmo Cricket - Jack's World I then trimmed the edges and chalked the edges with some brown chalk.
The cute ribbon is also from Cosmo Cricket - Jack's World. And to make my title I used funky chipboard letters by Bo Bunny.Next I added some pretty flowers by Bo Bunny as well, and a sweet little bird sticker from Imaginisce - Twitterpated - Bluebird .
I hope you enjoyed today projects, and until next time Happy Scrapping!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Fresh Fridays - April's last hurrah!
But, before you get sidetracked by BBQ's and sunshine outings, don't forget to scrap your Easter and springtime pages! The last few days where it might be rainy or cooler are great days to spend some time scrapping, just don't forget to open the window a crack and pull back the curtains!

Start with American Crafts cardstock pack in gorgeous spring colours! Wonderfully textured and heavy weight cardstock which is a joy to work with. I was pleasantly surprised the first time I used it.

Add to it some beautiful Easter - Flower Patch rub ons by making memories for a touch of soft colour and flair.
If you're so inclined, check out the new stamps that are in stock now to add the finishing touch to your projects.
Five new Stampavie stamps for you to create and embellish your LO's are available for your stamping pleasure. Get them before they're gone! I know many people have been talking about stamping over on the community site, myself included. I've already put my order in!
So give in to April's last hurrah and scrap your spring and Easter photos before you get caught up in summer time fun!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursdays with KLDezign
Cette semaine j'ai fait une tonne de pages mais je ne vous en présente que 3 pour la seule raison que je suis une "tease!" hihi, Non sans blagues, je n'ai rien d'intelligent à dire sur toute alors aussi bien faire comme si elles n'existaient pas!
Alors je vous montre ma première, J'avais dit que je ne referais pas de page de style Grunge tout de suite, et bien qu'à cela ne tienne, je n'ai pas de parole! J'ai trouvé LA photo qu'il me fallait pour réessayer ce style. Alors voici mon 2 essaie de style "Grunge" avec mon gars qui vous fait un doigt d'honneur. (Au fait j'ai le droit de mettre cela sur le net? Quelle vulgarité!)

J'ai utilisé du grungeboard, des masques de la peinture à craqueler et de la distress ink. Les papiers sont de Basic Grey, la collection Boxer. Pour donner un petit look magané j'ai fait l'utilisation d'agrafe de métal que j'ai mis un peu partout. Alors voici mon petit bonhomme de 4 mois prêt à aller en maison de correction.
J'ai reçu mon kit de DT hier... Ça n'a pas pris beaucoup de temps que j'avais déjà une page de fait, j'ai adoré ce qu'on m'a envoyé! Moi qui est en partant une fan de Cosmo Cricket cette collection est vraiment géniale, pleine de couleurs, inspirante vive, bref c'est une collection qu'il vous faut pour ce printemps! De plus j'ai utilisé les lettrage de feutrine de Prima qui donne un aspect tout enfantin à ma page. Avec ma cricut j'ai pu faire moi même quelques design afin d'ajouter un peu de texture à ma page. J'ai aussi fait quelques étampages que j'ai découpé par la suite. Les rubans donnent finalement une petite touche de finition ainsi que le chipboard de volute de la marque Bo Bunny. Alors voici ma page 3,2,1, Dodo.

Une dernière page afin de vous insciter à participer au blog Candy de Posh Design. Les couleurs de cette collection de WRMK sont géniales et les motifs sont tout simplement sublimes et inspire vraiment. Le lettrage et les swirls viennent de la collection Bo Bunny. Bref je vous laisse en juger par vous-mêmes. Au fait n'appelez pas la DPJ, mes enfants étaient tout à fait consentant de m'aider lors de notre ménage du printemps. AUCUN ENFANT N'A ÉTÉ MALTRAITÉ LORS DE CETTE SESSION DE PHOTO, ON A ÉCRASÉ UNE MOUCHE ET DAMIEN A VOMI MAIS C'EST TOUT.

Je vous laisse la dessus mes belles! Je retourne à ma vie passionnante de maman!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Cricut Tuesdays with The McSmitty Girl
In honour of Earth Day (April 22nd) the following cards were created using scraps from my ever growing stash as well as re-using left over packaging from empty cereal and snack boxes.
The first project I created is a series of ATCs (Artist Trading Card) out of empty cereal and snack boxes. I purposely created 5 different cards but using the same background paper and main color of cardstock for consistency. The reason I called my ATCs a series is because I knew that making the same card over and over would result in mistakes and shortcuts as a result not all the cards would look the same.
To create these cards I had them cut in the 'rectangle-2' shape at 4" each using my George cartridge. Because of the thickness of the cardboard, I used the multi-cut feature set on to cut 2 times. Following with the patterned paper (taken from my scrap folders, another re-use of product) I cut the same shape as the cardboard to cover both sides. The card edges were then inked all around for a finished look (and to cover the cardboard thickness).
For each of the words I chose, I used both the Home Decor and Home Accents cartridges. All the words were cut using the Fit to Length feature to ensure its length was no longer than 4". As a result each image was cut at approx. 1-1/4" (again love how the Cricut figures that out for you). Then each of corresponding images were taken from the Home Decor cartridge all cut between 1 to 1-1/2". Depending on the image I used a base for all my images; the shadow blackout creative feature. I combined creative features to adhere onto my base using either the standard cut image and/or all 3 three which included the shadow creative feature for additional pop on the ATC.
*Note though that these cartridges are Solution based cartridges which basically means that the creative features are less than your standard cartridge and you may not have as many image options to layer or cut. BUT these Solution cartridges give you many creative possibilities to use them on your projects.
Once I nested the images together, they were adhered to the ATC in a spot not to interfere with the card's word. Lastly, I embellished with rhinestones for bling and used a gel pens on a couple for added detail. These were certainly fun to make and it makes great use of my scraps!
The next project is my series of Mother's Day Cards. Still wanting to re-use alot of my scrap patterned papers and cardstock, I made 4 cards to honour the moms in my life - my Mom, my MIL, my Step MIL and my BF all are whom great moms (but of course more biased towards my Mom - she's the BEST, love you Mom!). Now I won't tell you which card is for whom (because they read my weekly posts) but here's how I created each of them. Just a side note that all the envelopes were cut using the Beyond Birthdays cartridge using the "sqenvl". Each envelope was cut using the Fit to Page mode which resulted in a 7" shape. Also, all cards were cut at 5" x 10" and scored in the middle expect where noted below.
Card #1 through #3 (described starting from the top left corner of the picture) I used the same design but placed each element differently (I do this so that I remain interested in making cards all in one sitting yet still keep to the same cuts for consistency).
Card #1 - For the 'Mom' card I used Beyond Birthdays cartridge to cut out the word Mom using the Fit to Length feature set at 4". Before I nested the square bases together onto the card front, I embossed the pink cardstock using my Sizzix Big Shot machine. Next I layered a piece of patterned paper (taken from scraps left over after creating the base on my April DT Kit to be featured next week) on the right side. Then I adhered this piece onto the light green cardstock and before I placed it onto the card I tied ribbons onto both pieces. Lastly this background was placed onto the card front. I stamped the sentiment 'Just for You', cut it out in a rectangle shape before using my corner rounder punch (for dimension I placed a glue pop dot). To finish off the card, I placed the word 'Mom' on top of the embossed part of the card.
Card #2 - I wanted to use this card as a stamping project as I am still on my stamping discovery journey... I won't go into detail on how I stamped my image but here's how to assemble this card. I cut a square base at 4-3/4" so that my other paper pieces would rest upon. Next I cut my white cardstock at 4-1/4" x 3" to stamp my image and sentiment. My patterned paper was cut at 4-1/4" x 1" and both pieces were adhered onto the square base ensuring the stamped images were emphasized. To cover the seams of both pieces of paper I used ribbon to wrap around everything before adhering it onto the card front. So where did I use my Cricut... For the greeting 'Happy Mother's Day' using the Calligraphy Collection cartridge cut at 3". I used both the shadow creative feature and usual image to layer.
Card #3 - Still continuing on my stamping journey... I cut 2 square bases; one at 4-3/4" and the other at 4-1/2". First I adhered the larger square base onto the card. The smaller square I stamped an image in the top left corner then the sentiment in the middle. Next I layered a piece of patterned paper cut at 3" x 4-1/2" onto the smaller square base which covered part of my stamped image (but that's okay because it achieved the effect I wanted). I tied a piece of ribbon around these two pieces before adhering them onto the larger square base. Lastly I wrote '... on Mother's Day' on the smaller square base to fill in space on that top half and to balance out the large pattern below. So you might be asking yourself again... Where was the Cricut used? Like my last card, I used the Beyond Birthdays cartridge to cut out 'hugs to you' sentiment and glued that onto the inside of my card at 3" using the shadow blackout, shadow and usual image creative features.
Card #4 - This type of card is new for me - a gate-fold card. Still using the same dimensions as all the other cards; I scored this card at each end at 2-1/2" and folded the sides inward. Next I cut out two rectangle shapes at 2-1/4" x 4-3/4" and adhered them onto the gate folds of the cards. Next, using the floral pattern on the same scrap paper used on my gate folds as the card band base I was able to figure out how large to make the cuts. The background to the card band was cut at 4-3/4" x 4" then I trimmed the patterned cardstock to nest in the middle. To adhere the card band onto the gate fold front, I placed adhesive on the one-half of the band. Lastly, I stamped my greeting in the top right corner of the band before using a decorative corner punch. This will hopefully guide her eyes to know where to open the card. To ensure this card remain closed during the mailing process and to add another touch of prettiness, I adhered on the back a piece of ribbon ensuring it was long enough to come to the front of the card and tied a knot. And you don't need to ask again... My Cricut was used for the inside of the card, I combined cuts from the Beyond Birthdays and Calligraphy Collection cartridges using only the shadow creative feature and usual image cuts for consistency in appearance.
*Tip: Using your Cricut for your insides of the cards is perfect when you just want to say that one message like Happy Mother's Day, Love You, Miss You, etc... And when you can layer and mix up your papers it certainly gives a WOW factor that the recipient did not expect but will certainly enjoy. Try it on your next card!
*Tip: I tend to use ribbon to cover off any paper seams esp if I am not inking the edges. This can give you more detail and dimension to your project!
*Tip: I, personally find it easier to adhere in stages as supposed to an all at once approach. This makes it easier for me to ensure proper spacing and that all pieces are glued together tightly.
That's it for this week's edition of Cricut Tuesdays, thanks for dropping by! I hope I was able to inspire you to re-use and re-cycle your scraps into making wonderful projects like these one featured in this post.
Until next Tuesday... Take Care!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sweet Butterflies, And Shimmery Petals ~ Jackie's Creations
Do you want access to amazing sketches and challenges??? If so you have to head over to the Posh Designs Interactive Community!
Today I am sharing a layout that is my interpretation of Posh Designs Sketch Challenge #7! It is a layout of our dog Lily! She is such a sweetie!
The gorgeous chipboard butterfly is from Scenic Route. And the shimmery flowers are from Imaginisce - Rainbow bloom in purple!
And the So Sweet sticker is from Cosmo Cricket - Girls Galore! I hope you enjoyed my project today, until next time happy scrapping!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Fresh Fridays - Challenge your brain...
Well, if we're all so willing to do that for our homes, why not ourselves?
We get so used to a certain way of doing things. Habits and routines that sew themselves into the fabric of our lives. It's springtime folks, let's put on our thinking caps and challenge ourselves.
Over at the community site, we've got a fun thread in the forum for challenges. Yes, you read right a "thread", dedicated to sketch challenges and thinking outside the box. One of the fun challenges that have been posted is about Breaking the rules of scrapbooking.
Rule #3 is Scrapbook pages should always start with photos.
The challenge : Create a page about a story and photograph objects to accompany it.
How much fun could you have putting together a LO without the intial photo. My first thought was, this could be tricky. What will I do? Then it occurred to me. I have a number of favorite movies and one quote has been going through my head recently a fair amount, so why not create a page about the movie? It seems to be the trend lately, Kim posted only yesterday about her movie creations and here I am posting about mine. *lol* What a way to learn about your design team.

The main quote is the one I think of first when I think of Labyrinth, it brings me back to when I was a young teen and looked up to the character of Sarah. She was my teen heroine, braving caves, goblins and other scary creatures, not to mention the Goblin King, to save her step-brother. Her fight for family and how important it was to her and of course the new friends she made along the way made the story endearing to me and I'm sure many others. To this day it is one of a number of films that are quoted most often by my friends and I.
So I'm hoping you'll be wanting to do a little self spring cleaning and head over to the challenge thread to post about your adventures in breaking a few rules!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursdays with KLDesign
Comment allez vous en ce super Jeudi? Aujourd'hui je vous montre mes 2 dernières créations inspirées et j'espère, inspirante! Elles m'ont été inspirées par mes 2 films préférés et une couleur que j'adore le rouge! Je veux vous montrer comment une couleur peut donner un ton complètement différent à une page.
Pour ma première page, je voulais du rouge pour illustrer l'amour, la passion, ce sentiment que l'on ne peut pas contrôler mais qui est si doux lorsqu'on s'y abandonne. J'y ai mis du "paper lace" que j'ai peint en noir pour y donner un effet romantique et aussi car le orange du papier jurait horriblement avec le reste de ma page et j'en voulait absolument!
J'ai ajouté à la fin avec un peu de méfiance je l'avoue, un papier Maruyama à grosse maille qui est un peu brillant, je trouvais qu'il s'agençait bien avec la thématique du film qui est très imaginatif et coloré. Alors je vous présente ma page Moulin Rouge

Et maintenant ma deuxième page. Un deuxième film. Encore du rouge mais cette fois ci, qui n'a réellement rien à voir avec l'amour, on parle ici carrément; de sadisme, de cannibalisme et de vengeance, bref si rouge est la couleur de l'amour elle reste aussi la couleur du sang. Alors voici ma première page dans le style "Grunge", mais surement pas la dernière car je vous l'avoue, bien que je sois une femme très tranquille et hyper romantique et douce, j'ai littéralement trippée comme une écolière à laisser sortir mon coté "wild" pour cette page. De la peinture noire, un cardstock rouge et des crânes sont à l'honneur dans cette page en l'honneur de personnes que j'adore. (Johnny vient me rendre visite quand tu veux le café est prêt!) J'ai ajouté un peu de dentelle noire que l'on ne voit malheureusement pas beaucoup à cause du scan mais en réelle ça donne un superbe effet! Alors je vous présente ma folie, ma passion pour Sweeney Todd!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Cricut Tuesdays with The McSmitty Girl

Friday, April 10, 2009
Fresh Fridays - Hippity Hoppity

This week I've got a cute little project to make for your little ones (and not so little ones!). A super simple, Easter treat bag. And believe me, it's simple!
Cut a sheet of plain or printed cardstock like American Crafts Cardstock Pack - Spring to 6" X 12". Score and crease at 2 1/4", 6 1/4" and 8 1/4". Fold so that the short piece is at the front. Because it's cutting the page in half, I ended up making two at the same time! (see, simple)

Once your goodie bag is made, you'll need to fill it. Take a 6" cellophane bag and fill it with mini eggs, chocolates and marshmallow chicks, fold over the top edge and staple. Then use a tape/glue runner to attach to the inside of the goodie bag.
Now it's all ready to give. Of course after making and filling them, you may decide you want all the sweet treats for yourself!
So from all of us at Posh Designs to all of you, have yourself a Happy Easter weekend, however you may be celebrating it!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thursday with KLDezign
J'espère que vous allez bien!
Repos d'une semaine pour moi après un gros dégât d'eau chez moi. Alors comme je moppais en folle, je n'ai pas pu faire ma chronique la semaine passée!
Cette semaine je vous présente une collection de papier que j'affectionne particulièrement. La marque Die Cut With A View, plus précisément la collection La Crème.
Je n'étais pas très portée à acheter cette collection qui est plutôt dans des tons que je n'utilise pas souvent. Mais je les ai swappés avec une copine et ouff que j'ai donc bien fait!
Cette collection est pleine de brillant et de faux velours! Moi qui est une fan incontestée du style Shabby Chic je n'aurais pas pu mieux tomber!
Je vous montre donc sans tarder ma réalisation avec cette collection.
Malheureusement je trouve que mon scan ne donne pas un aussi beau résultat qu'en vrai. Mais bon, on fait avec ce que l'on a!
J'ai recouvert mes chipboard avec de la peinture à craqueler Tim Holtz de couleur Antic Linen. Le mélange de satin, de craquelure et de velour donne vraiment un beau style à la page. C'est juste dommage que ça ne paraisse pas! hihi

Alors je vous donne rendez-vous la semaine prochaine pour une autre chronique, à moins que cette fois ci, ce soit mon toit qui décide de lacher.
Yummy Blog Candy Giveaway!!! CLOSED
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Cricut Tuesdays with The McSmitty Girl

Using the Cricut Markers will not work with the Portriat cutting mode.
Tip and Trick #5:
To effectively use the Cricut Markers and cut out the drawn images, your paper must be in the top left corner of the mat that enters the machine.
Wanna win some free scrapping supplies!?
Contest is open to Canadian & US Residents only!
Monday, April 6, 2009
K and Company's New Madeline Collection

Sunday, April 5, 2009
My Little Yellow Bicycle ~ Sharon Ann's Baby Safari Collection

Baby Safari for Girls features a delightful array of goodies with a sweet dusting of glitter throughout. Another sophisticated assortment of beautiful baby products!

Sharon Ann has created another sweet baby line just for you! Adorably simple in style and built around the perfect palette for baby boys, this irresistible collection is sure to delight. Baby Safari for Boys features beautiful embossing and thermography throughout. Simply irresistible.
Be sure to check out the store for all the coordinating items in this collection, the clear stamps are just too cute!
Friday, April 3, 2009
New Sassafras Lass Collection Kits ~ Vintage Yummy, Bungle Jungle, & Anthem!

We've got the Vintage Yummy, Bungle Jungle and Anthem Collection Kits we're also expecting a shipment of their new clear stamps, felties, brads and more goodies!!!
Pink Paislee Winsome Line ~ Captivating, Enchanting, Fascinating and Fetching Collections

Also in are the most cutest brads I have ever set my eyes on, each pack includes 3 corduroy brad, 3 velvet brads, 3 gemstone brads, and 3 printed epoxy brads!

Fresh Fridays - April showers...
It's officially been spring for two weeks now, but today really feels like a spring day. Mild and rainy, washing away the snow and winter grime and making things ready for spring. It's grey out and I do realise it will be that way for a few days at least, but I also know that the grunge is going away.
When the sun shines, it's brighter and warmer. The month of March was the start of spring cleaning for me. I tidied up each room and started to do a spring purge. This month I'll look at the fun, fresh products we have in store for the perfect spring layout!

First off, have you seen some of the new goodies? BoBunny rub ons Twirls (to the left) How adorable! or what about Michelle? I'd say they are very spring like *and* only $3.99 each!
There's many more sweet items in the New Items section if you just take a look.
American Crafts cardstock pack, is back in stock. If you haven't tried these, you really should. The colours are amazing, the quality of the paper if phenomenal and at only $19.99 for 6o sheets you can't get a better deal.
Put these few items together with your fresh spring photos and you'll have the prettiest layouts around. Head on over to the community site to check out some fun challenges that will jump start the creative juices. Can't wait to see you there!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Layout using Que Sera Sera Collection

I created some freehand flourishes using Ranger Ink Liquid Pearl to various parts of the page. I then used just a few of Que Sera Sera Grand Adhesions, Adhesive Chipboards, and Diecut Ephemera and voila a finished project, well almost done I still need a title which in my case "OBSESSION" speaks for itself!
Happy Scrapping!